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PBIS Leadership Forum 

Save the Date! 

Our next PBIS Leadership Forum will be:

October 22-23, 2025

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New this Year: The Pre-Forum Leadership Institute for District Leaders and Coaches

Learn more on how to participate!


This two-day forum is a technical assistance activity of the Center on PBIS and provides an opportunity for the Center to share information on the latest applications of PBIS. It has been designed to support state, regional, and local educational leaders, together with community and family partners, to increase the effectiveness of school environments using the evidence based PBIS framework.



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September 20th!


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Event Overview

The National PBIS Leadership Forum is a technical assistance activity of the Center on PBIS and provides an opportunity for the Center to share information on the latest applications of PBIS. Single-topic breakout sessions and topic-specific strands will provide guidance and tools for strengthening a prevention-based, multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) to improve the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students to ensure engagement. Opportunities for dialogue and sharing with other implementers will be provided.

Who Should Participate

This Forum is organized for state, regional, district, and school/agency leadership teams exploring, adopting, and implementing the multi-tiered PBIS framework. Participants may include leadership team members, implementation coaches and coordinators, district- and school-based behavior specialists (e.g., school counselors, school psychologists, special educators, coaches), PBIS/MTSS trainers, program evaluators, school/agency and district administrators, community and family youth-serving system partners and district and state policy makers and leaders.  

Sponsored by

The OSEP Center on PBIS with support from the Midwest PBIS Network